SNML Documentation


Tag name Tag Contents Attributes Description of tag
root (page | assign | comment)* xmlns The root element of the doc, simply named.
page (logic | bull | comment)* title A page of notes
assign (answer | question)* title Questions and answers to an assignment
logic String none A string of logic to follow.
bull (comment)* Mixed level A bullet point of note.
answer (bull | logic | comment)* number, letter An answer to a question.
question (bull | logic | comment)* number, letter a question on an assignment.
comment (none) (none) A visual comment.


Attribute name Value type Use
title NMTOKEN A title of a section of SNML notes
level positiveInterger Level of bullet. Default is "1" and it is used to tell use if it is a new bullet at that level or an extension of the last bullet whose value is minus one of this level.
number positiceInterger Question or answer number. Default is "1" and if more than one question is supplied using the same letter and number values, the document should not be valid.
letter String Question or answer letter. Default is "a" and if more than one question is supplied using the same letter and number values, the document should not be valie
